Art. 1.1.
These conditions apply to all offers from Technigro bv and to the agreements it concludes with customers. By giving an order, our customer is deemed to agree to the applicability of these conditions.
Art. 1.2.
Any conditions referred to by our buyer only bind us if they have been explicitly accepted by us in writing.
Art. 2 Offers
Art. 2.2.
All offers from Technigro bv, in welke vorm dan ook gedaan, zijn vrijblijvend en eerst voor ons verbindend nadat Technigro bv have accepted an order from the buyer in writing, unless otherwise stated in writing in the offer to the buyer.
Art. 3 Price
Art. 3.1.
The sales price is calculated for delivery from the warehouse and based on the prices, rates, wages, taxes, duties, freight costs, etc. that exist during the confirmation.
Art. 3.2.
With all shipments the freight costs are for the account of the buyer, unless otherwise agreed.
Art. 3.3.
For orders smaller than € 15, order costs will be charged.
Art. 4 Payment
Art. 4.1.
Payment must be made on delivery or within 30 days of the invoice date without the possibility of settlement of the customer. When paying within 8 days after the invoice date, a 2% discount on the goods amount may be deducted.
After the aforementioned payment term has expired, the buyer is legally in default and must from that time reimburse us interest at the legal rate.
Art. 4.2.
In the event of default by our customer, Technigro bv is entitled to suspend all further deliveries and to take measures for collection without further notice. The customer is then liable for all associated costs, both judicial and extrajudicial, the latter always amounting to 15% of the amount to be collected with a minimum of € 25.
Art. 4.3.
The customer is only then entitled to suspend his payment obligation if, after a written complaint as referred to in art. 7, inside 1 month after a definitive rejection of the complaint by Technigro bv, the dispute brought before the courts.
In all other cases, the submission of the complaint leaves the obligation to Payment without prejudice.
Art. 5 Delivery and shipment
Art. 5.1.
The statements of Technigro bv of delivery periods in the offers, acceptances or agreements are made to the best of our knowledge and will be taken into account as much as possible, but they are not binding.
Art. 5.2.
In the event of such deadlines being exceeded, Technigro bv het recht om alsnog binnen een termijn van 6 weken haar verplichting jegens de afnemer na te komen.
Deze nadere termijn wordt geacht te zijn ingegaan op de dag dat de schriftelijke ingebrekestelling van de afnemer ten kantore van Technigro bv is received.
Art. 5.3.
In the event of excessive delivery times being exceeded, Technigro bv will, as soon as this is foreseeable, notify the customer and enter into consultation with it.
Art. 5.4.
Unless otherwise agreed, the buyer bears the risk for the purchased goods as soon as they have left the warehouses of Technigro bv, even though ownership has not yet been transferred and irrespective of agreements between the parties regarding the costs of transport and insurance.
Regardless of the cause of the destruction or deterioration of goods, the buyer will still owe the purchase price.
The same applies in the event of a refusal to take delivery of goods that are then stored by Technigro bv at the expense and risk of the customer.
Art. 6 Transfer of ownership
All delivered goods remain the full property of Technigro bv totdat de afnemer zijn krachtens enige overeenkomst ontstane verplichting tot betaling jegens Technigro bv geheel heeft voldaan.
De afnemer is niet gerechtigd enige onbetaald gebleven goederen aan derden in pand te geven of als zekerheid in de ruimste zin des woords tegenover derden te laten dienen.
Ingeval van niet-tijdige betaling is de afnemer gehouden de nog niet doorverkochte goederen op het eerste verzoek van Technigro bv aan haar ter vrije beschikking te stellen.
Ingeval van niet-tijdige betaling is de afnemer voorts verplicht Technigro bv schriftelijk te informeren omtrent gedane doorverkoop en is de afnemer tevens verplicht om alsdan medewerking te verlenen aan de overdracht van zijn rechten uit hoofde van deze (door)verkoopovereenkomsten, waarbij de afnemer zijn vorderingen uit dien hoofde aan Technigro bv.
Art. 7 Force majeure
In the event that Technigro bv is unable to meet the performance of the agreement due to a failure attributable to it, the parties are entitled to further implement this agreement.
suspend mutual consultation before dissolving the agreement in whole or in part
Among other things not attributable to Technigro bv niet toe te rekenen tekortkoming wordt verstaan elke onvoorziene omstandigheid, ten gevolge waarvan de normale uitoefening van de overeenkomst redelijkerwijs niet langer door de afnemer kan worden gevorderd. Derhalve zijn aan Technigro bv: shortcomings of its supplier (s), fire, strikes, machine defects as well as government measures of any government as a result of which - directly or indirectly - the execution of the agreement in serious extent was affected.
Art. 8 Advertising
Art. 8.1.
Complaints concerning externally visible defects must be submitted in writing to Technigro bv within 8 days after receipt by the customer, failing which the customer is deemed to have accepted and approved the delivered goods.
Art. 8.2.
Except for the explicit guarantee of Technigro bv is geen reclame mogelijk Wegens geringe, in de branche gebruikelijke of aanvaardbare , danwel technisch niet te vermijden afwijking en in kleur, maat, getal, gewicht of afwerking.
Door Technigro bv shown or provided samples or models are only provided by way of indication without the delivered goods having to be identical thereto.
Art. 8.3
In the event of another delivery by Technigro bv geaccepteerde reclame staat de afnemer toe dat Technigro bv in accordance with the agreement.
Art. 9. Warranty / liability
Art. 9.1
Technigro bv garandeert de door haar geleverde zaken slechts voor zover ook deze door haar fabrikant en/of leveranciers wordt gegarandeerd.Technigro bv is slechts aansprakelijk voor schaden aan de zijde van afnemer of derden voor zover deze door haar assuradeur uit hoofde van bedrijfsen/of productaansprakelijkheidsverzekeringen worden gedekt.
Behoudens grove opzet danwel grove nalatigheid is Technigro bv is never liable for any compensation for damage other than those expressly agreed in these terms and conditions and in particular not liable for compensation for loss due to loss on the part of the customer or for damage caused by third parties.
Art. 10 Applicability Law / Disputes
Art. 10.1.
The agreement concluded and concluded by Technigro bv of the application of these conditions is governed by Dutch law.
Art. 10.2
All disputes between us and our customer will be settled by the competent court in the place of residence of Technigro bv.